OLD Terms & Conditions


Definitions and Interpretations 

The following terms have the following meanings, unless the context requires otherwise:

Operator’s obligations

The Operator must:

permit the Customer to use the Meeting Room and the Operator’s furniture, furnishings and equipment within the Meeting Room, during the Permitted Hours, for the duration of the Rental Period.

permit the Customer to use the common areas in the Building, including the telephone rooms, the kitchen, the “hot-desk” work area, the rest rooms and the lavatories, in common with other users of the Building, for all reasonable purposes, on a first come first served basis where applicable.

provide the following services, equipment and facilities within the Meeting Room at the Operator’s cost:
heating, lighting and the supply of electricity; cleaning, outside office hours; maintenance, decoration and repairs; quality furniture, furnishings and equipment; broadband internet access and equipment for conference calls. 

provide the following services, equipment and facilities within the common areas of the Building designated by the Operator, at the Operator’s cost for all Customers and their clients: quality furniture, furnishings and equipment; heating, lighting and the supply of electricity; cleaning, outside office hours; maintenance decoration and repairs; shared toilet and rest room facilities;
broadband internet access.

provide the following services, equipment and facilities within the common areas of the Building designated by the Operator, at the Operator’s cost for those Customers that become Members, Use of the hot desk work area, use of the telephone kiosks;
shared equipment for photocopying, scanning, printing and the shredding of non-confidential documents; and
other benefits as described in the membership agreement;

Customer’s Obligations

The Customer must:

keep the Meeting Room tidy and treat it and the furniture and equipment within it in a reasonable manner and so as not to cause damage;

pay the Rental in advance, when booking the Meeting Room;

pay to the Operator on demand all charges in respect of services extra to those specified in clauses 2.3 and 2.4, provided either by the Operator or (where the Operator is initially responsible for the cost) by any other person at the Customer’s request including refreshments, storage and secretarial services (together with any VAT that may properly be payable);

insure against all potential losses, damages, claims, expense or liabilities which might arise out of (but not limited to):
the Customer’s own property brought into the Building; 

the Customer’s liability to persons within the Building and to the Operator in relation to the Building itself; and must provide full details of such insurance to the Operator on request;

comply with all current legislation applicable to the Customer’s use and occupation of the Meeting Room;

observe and perform all the rules and regulations from time to time made by the Operator for the management of the Meeting Room and the Building;

conduct its business from the Meeting Room in a way that does not interfere with the Operator or with other customers or occupiers of the Building;

leave the Meeting Room clean, tidy and free of rubbish and the Customer’s belongings at the end of the Rental Period;
give the Operator access to the Meeting Room at all times, for all reasonable purposes;

indemnify the Operator from and against all costs, losses claims and demands arising out of any breach by the Customer of any of these terms and conditions.

The Customer must not:

impede or interfere with the Operator’s right of possession and control of the Building, obstruct the stairs, passages or other common parts of the Building or bring in or take out of the Building between the hours of 9am and 6pm any items of a bulky nature;

use the Meeting Room or the Building for any purpose other than the Permitted Use;

bring any furniture into the Meeting Room or install or connect to any utility or telecommunications service in the Meeting Room save as may be permitted in writing by the Operator;

alter the Meeting Room or carry out any works in or to the Meeting Room’;

move any fire extinguishers unless they are required in an emergency;

interfere with the conduct of the Operator’s business;

use or occupy the Meeting Room outside the Permitted Hours;

cause any nuisance or inconvenience to the Operator or to other customers or occupiers of the Building;
do anything illegal or immoral in the Building;

do anything that may bring the Building into disrepute;

do anything that may affect the credit rating of the Operator or of any other customer or occupier of the Building;
affix or display anything on any window or door without the Operator’s consent;

smoke or use electronic cigarettes in the Meeting Room, in the Building or on the steps and pavement outside the Building.
Limit of Liability

The Customer agrees that:

the Operator is not liable for any loss as a result of its failure to provide a service as a result of mechanical breakdown, strike, maintenance, repair or a shortage of fuel, water, materials or labour or any other cause which is beyond the Operator’s reasonable control unless the Operator’s failure to provide is deliberate or negligent;

the Operator will not have any liability for any loss, damage or claim which arises as a result of, or in connection with, the Customer’s agreement and/or the Customer’s use of the services except to the extent that such loss, damage, expense or claim is directly attributable to the Operator’s deliberate act or the Operator’s negligence (the “Operator’s liability”);

the Operator is not liable for any failure until the Customer has told the Operator about it and given the Operator a reasonable time to put right;

the Operator’s liability will be subject to the limits set out in clause 4.3 below.

The Operator will not in any circumstances have any liability for:

loss of business, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of or damage to data, third party claims, in each case whether direct or consequential; 


any consequential loss.

The Operator will be liable:

without limit for personal injury or death caused by the Operator or its employees or agents negligence or fraudulent misrepresentation or where it would be unlawful for the Operator to exclude or restrict liability;

up to a maximum of £1,000.00 (for any one event or series of connected events) for damage to personal property;

up to a maximum equal to 125% of the total fees paid under the Customer’s agreement up to the date on which the claim in question arises or £1,000 (whichever is the higher), in respect of all other losses, damages expenses or claims.


In these terms and conditions:

“includes”, “including” and similar words are used without limitation or qualification to the subject matter of the relevant provision;

reference to approval or consent mean a prior written approval or consent;


owed by or to more than one person are owed by or to them jointly and severally;

to do something include an obligation not to waive any obligation of another person to do it; 


not to do something include an obligation not to permit or allow another person to do it.

The Customer is liable for any breaches of its obligations committed by a person who the Customer has allowed to use or occupy the Meeting Room, whether or not the person is under the Customer’s control.

The Operator is liable for any breaches of its obligations committed by any person under the control of the Operator or acting under the express or implied authority of the Operator.

The Customer agrees that the arrangements between the Operator and the Customer do not;
create the relationship of landlord and tenant;

confer on the Customer any legal estate, or right of occupation outside the Rental Period or any security of tenure,
and that its rights arising from its agreement with the Operator are personal to the Customer and may not be assigned.

Any property of the Customer left in the Building may be disposed of by the Operator at any time after 10 business days following the end of the Rental Period without notice to the Customer and by any means whatsoever and the Operator shall not be liable for any loss or damage to any property of the Customer or any persons connected to the Customer.
Any monies received for the sale of such items must be paid to the Customer subject to the deduction of any costs of sale and other monies owed by the Customer to the Operator.

A person who is not a party to the contract between the Operator and the Customer has no rights under the Contract (Rights of Third Parties) Act 1999 to enforce or to enjoy the benefit of any provisions of that contract but this does not affect any right or remedy of a third party which exists or is available apart from that Act.
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